Sigma Broadband Summary / Statistics

This summary shows calls signed by Sigma Broadband. The majority of the calls (as of August 2024) pitch a [back tax forgiveness program]. They are A-signed and are placed to numbers on the Federal DNC list. Click the link below to see call examples.

 All Public ReportsSee Also: Sigma Broadband Call Examples

CategoryCallsAttest AAttest BAttest CNo AttestANIsCalledDNC RegMany ANIsSignersInvalidLast

Attest A/B/C reflect the STIR/SHAKEN attestation level; No Attest means the call was not signed; ANIs shows the count of unique Caller-ID values; Called is the count of unique RRAPTOR telephone numbers that were called; DNC Reg is the count of all calls to RRAPTOR numbers on the Federal Do-Not-Call list; Many ANIs indicates that many distinct caller-ID values are being used; Signers counts the unique SHAKEN signers; Invalid counts signatures that may be defective in some way; Last indicates how long ago the most recent call was captured.