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Connectel AB
{"ct_name":"Martin Nystroem","ct_title":"Product Lead","ct_dept":"Connectel AB","ct_address":"Kungsangsgatan 14 | Uppsala, Sweden","ct_tel":"+46760516936","ct_email":"martin.nystrom@connectel.se","bz_address":"Kungsangsgatan 14 | Uppsala, Sweden","country":"Sweden","declare":"2024-04-18","last_seen":"2024-04-28","sys_id":"6ac114be1bf63810e1ca848ce54bcbae","is_new":-10,"gw_prov":"false","gw_prov_choice":"No","combined_gw":"false","ipr_imported":"false","voice_choice":"No","intermed_choice":"Yes","investigated":"No","intermed_exempt_rule":"Connectel relies on Bandwith Inc for termination of US VoIP services, and they have STIR\/SHAKEN implemented. Also Connectel have a mitigation plan for fraudulent calls already in place. Furthermore, we only target legitimate businesses and have agreement that guards against fraudulent and non-compliant use of telephone numbers.","gw_exempt_rule":"","voice_exempt_rule":"Connectel is peering with Bandwidth Inc. for the connectivity of US based VoIP calls which implements STIR\/SHAKEN already. A part from this Connectel still has a number of steps in place to avoid fraudulent calls.\n\nA part from this we only serve legitimate businesses and have agreements in place that forbids fraudulent or non-compliant use of our networks.","investigate_descript":""}
No S/SY32021-09-282024-04-18