RMD Explorer Organization View

FCC 499 DB: 836776 CORES fcc.gov: 35159391
Address: 11278 Carmel Creek Rd | San Diego, CA 92130 Phone: (619) 724-4833 Filing Date: 2024-04-01 Provider Type: Interconnected Voip
Titles: AutoBizLine, Inc.

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AutoBizLine, Inc.
AutoBizLine has not other business names in use but has a mobile App called MySecondLine and a domain name called TalkHeap.com.
Principals, Affiliates, Subsidiaries & Parent: Rishan Chen
{"ct_name":"Rishan Chen","ct_title":"CEO","ct_dept":"N\/A","ct_address":"11278 Carmel Creek Rd | San Diego CA 92130","ct_tel":"8587223253","ct_email":"rishan.chen@autobizline.com","bz_address":"11278 Carmel Creek Rd | San Diego CA 92130","country":"United States of America","declare":"2024-04-01","last_seen":"2024-04-29","sys_id":"ebcfbf61db158a1038831f9813961951","is_new":0,"gw_prov":"false","gw_prov_choice":"No","combined_gw":"false","ipr_imported":"false","voice_choice":"Yes","intermed_choice":"No","investigated":"No","intermed_exempt_rule":"","gw_exempt_rule":"","voice_exempt_rule":"35 FCC Rcd 3241, para. 40. (the provider does not have control over the network infrastructure necessary to implement STIR\/SHAKEN).","investigate_descript":""}
 San Diego CANo S/SRMPNYS2024-04-01